Advanced Angling Solutions

Advanced Angling Solutions PVA Mesh Dispenser & Plunger

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Advanced Angling Solutions Bait Delivery System's main function is to create a PVA bag of any size in the minimum time possible - it can be made in less than 30 seconds making it one of the most efficient systems on the market. The Bait Delivery System minimises wasted PVA making it the most cost effective PVA bag system ever made. If you are not using it in your carp fishing ‘YOU ARE MISSING OUT!’

ASSESS ADAPT SUCCEED with Advanced Angling Solutions
•Nominal 5m Length.
•Ultra Fine Thread
•Strong Anti-Ladder Construction
•Smaller Knots
•Controlled Meltdown
•No Solvent Residue
•Economic Refill for virtually all other small diameter or dynamite stick systems.
•Complete with compression stick and water proof case.

The full kits of PVA Mesh, Bait Delivery Tube & Plunger fit neatly inside the convenient waterproof containers.

Tempting food parcels made easy with Advanced Angling Solutions.