Advanced Angling Solutions

Advanced Angling Solutions Buffer Beads Weed Green

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  • Regular price £2.65
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Quality and appearance are paramount here!! Even the slightest 'glint' from the rig can warn the fish away form potential danger, and if they will not come near the rig you will not catch them. It sounds obvious but it is a matter of simple fact.

Compared to any of the competition Advanced Angling Solutions are simply ahead in camouflage and affordability.

Why would anyone use anything else?!

The best quality at sensible prices so you have the confidence that Advanced Angling Solutions products will not let you down.

The Advanced Angling Solutions Buffer beads have been designed to cover a industry standard size 8 swivel and any other relevant component you have incorporated within your lead arrangement set up. When using a helicopter or chod style set up,it stops tangles and grips components using a special rubber compound, it is equally at home as a buffer bead when using a running rig, there are a multitude of uses for this clever little product from Advanced Angling Solutions.

ASSESS ADAPT SUCCEED with Advanced Angling solutions.

10 pcs per box