Armour Tech-Core has to be one of the most versatile coated hook links to date, its semi-stiff coating has been scientifically formulated to create an ultra fast sink rate, coupled with high abrasion resistance. The inner dynemma close weave core is super supple to allow freedom of movement within the hook and hook bait resulting in better hook holds and more fish landed.
The dark grey coating lends itself to many different lake bed situations and results in the hook link appearing as a broken line, instead of a solid colour which curious carp can be all to wary off.
Because the hook link is so versatile in its approach to most situations, it allows the angler to carry less tackle, helping to stay mobile and on the fish, as we all know this is paramount.
Armour Tech-Core comes on 20 meter spools and is available in 15lb and 25lb breaking strains, which both are of a ultra fine diameter to aid in the ultra hook link deception.
All in all Armour Tech-Core is set to the market leader in modern times
20M per spool